Sunday, June 7, 2015

Active Directory

Apa itu Active Directory?
What is the Active Directory?

Active Directory adalah directory service yang menyimpan konfigurasi jaringan baik user, group, komputer, hardware, serta berbagai policy keamanan dalam satu database terpusat. Peranan AD dalam jaringan dapat diumpamakan sebagai buku telepon, yang menyimpan daftar alamat dan informasi penting untuk mengenali berbagai obyek dalam jaringan.
Active Directory is a directory service that stores network configuration either user, group , computer , hardware , as well as a variety of security policies in a centralized database. The role of the army in the network can be thought of as a phone book, which maintains a list of addresses and information important to recognize the various objects in the network.

Bagaimana cara membuat Active Directory?
How does make Active Directory?

1. Buka Server Manager
Open Server Manager

2. INSTALL ACTIVE DIRECTORY DOMAIN SERVER Untuk mengaturnya, Pilih “View Network Connections” pada server summary di Server Manager
INSTALL ACTIVE DIRECTORY DOMAIN SERVER To set it up , select " View Network Connections" on the server summary in Server Manager

3. kita klik Internet protocol version 4, pilih dan klik propeties
we click Internet protocol version 4 , select it and click propeties

4. Kosongkan IP saja
Clear any IP

5. Buka add Roles
Open add Roles

6. Pilih Server Roles kemudian pilih “Active Directory Domain Server”
Select Server Roles and then select the "Active Directory Domain Server"

7. Pada tahap ini klik next saja
At this step just click next

8. Kemudian Install
then Install

9. Proses sedang berjalan
The process installation is running

10. Setelah selesai kita close
After we finished close

11. Berikutnya adalah tampilan mengenai informasi Operating System Compatibility. Klik Next.
Next is a display of information regarding Operating System Compatibility . Click Next.

12. Pilih “Create a New Domain In a New Forest” kemudian klik next
Select "Create a New Domain In a New Forest" and then click next

13. Masukkan nama domain yang akan kita gunakan. Klik Next.
Enter the domain name that will be used . Click Next.

14. Pilih Windows 2008 R2 sebagai Forest Functional Level. Klik Next.
Select Windows 2008 R2 as Forest Functional Level. Click Next.

15. Pilih DNS Server
Select DNS Server

16. Kemudian Klik pada pilihan Yes Then click on the option Yes

17. Beri centang pada “DNS Server”. Klik Next. Selanjutnya akan tampil mengenai informasi wizard instal AD. Klik Yes.
Check settings on the " DNS Server ". Click Next. Further information will appear on the wizard to install AD. Click Yes.

18. Masukkan password untuk Administrator Domain. Klik Next.
Enter the password for the Domain Administrator. Click Next.

19. Pada tahap ini kita klik next saja
At this step we just click next

20. Tunggu saja hingga selesai
Wait for it to finish

21. Active Directory sudah berhasil di install, Kemudian restart
Active Directory has been successfully installed, then restart


23. Setelah itu akan muncul tampilan permintaan tekn tombol ctrl+alt+del seperti berikut
23. After that will appear request Tech ctrl + alt + del as follows

24. Kemudian masukkan password untuk login
24. Then enter the password to login

25. Jika sudah kita cek paket active directorynya pada administrative tools
25. If we check the package already active directory in the administrative tools

Demikian hasil praktek tutorial saya tentang Installasi Active Directory
so the result of my tutorial practice on Installasi Active